At Rybakken Camping you will find Gudbrandsdalslågen or "Lågen" as it is called. The campground is close to the river. Just outside the campground there are good fishing spots. Here you will find the special trout "Hunderørreten". This is a special trout to som parts of Lågen.
Of course, we can never guarantee you to get fish. Nevertheless, some people get a lot of fish here. Also big fish. There are many big trouts in the river here. It will take a little list and relax to get these ... Maybe it will be you ..? Either way, you will have a good fishing experience here. There is a nice and long shoreline to walk along. You will find more about the fishing possibilities in Lågen on the website of Lågen fiskeelv. Below the dam to Hunderfossen power plant, just south of us, on good days you can see the Hunderørreten in the river. We can tell you more about where this is!
On the campground there is also a small fish pond. This was previously used for raising rainbow trout. This business ended a couple of years back. We do have permission to put hunderørret in the pond. This is something we are considering doing.
A stay at Rybakken can also be a good starting point for fishing in the mountains. It takes 20 minutes to get up to the mountain and the first good fishing waters. Further inward of the mountain there are many more. Øyer Fjellstyre has done a good job of arranging good fishing spots. You will find more about this on their website Øyer Fjellstyre.